Specialising in the management of trees throughout Hampshire and beyond
Arborlogica was established in 2022 by owner Ollie.
Ollie has worked in the Arboricultural sector for over 25 years. Beginning in 1998, he gained various National Proficiency Test Council (NPTC) certificates in tree climbing and chainsaw use. After working in the industry, maintaining trees for over 21 years, he undertook the Level 2 Certificate in Arboriculture during 2019.
Soon after in 2020, he completed the highly regarded LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection Certificate and went on to complete the Level 4 Diploma in Arboriculture in 2021.
In Autumn 2020, Ollie joined Hampshire County Council Highways as a Tree Officer, where he gained experience working within a Local Authority and managing a large tree stock over a 2 years period.
Ollie is now working on growing his private consultancy, and has been mainly undertaking safety surveys for various local and district councils, BS5837 tree surveys, impact assessments, method statements and tree protection plans for developers, architects and homeowners.
01489 890989
Below you will find some of our services offered, however, if you require a service that is not listed, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Tree Health & Safety Inspections and Tree Risk Assessments. Registered user of Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) and VALID.
Tree Surveys, Arboricultural Impact Assessments, Constraints Plans, Arboricultural Method Statements and Tree Protection Plans.
We can help to discharge any Arboricultural requirements that maybe a condition of your planning approval.
Work Recommendations and Work Schedules that are BS3998 : 2010 compliant.
We can advise on and submit TPO & CA applications on behalf of our clients.
We can design and specify any new tree planting schemes.
Tree Safety Assessments – Tree Risk Assessments – Tree Reports – Tree Inspections – Tree Surveys – Tree Stock Inventory – BS5837 Surveys – Tree Condition Surveys – Arboricultural Constraints Plans – Arboricultural Impact Assessments – Arboricultural Method Statements – Arboricultural Supervision – Tree Work Schedules – Tree Preservation Order Applications – Planting Schemes and Specifications
Tree owners and managers have a duty of care under ‘common law’ to “take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which they can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure their neighbour”. Tree owners or managers also have a duty of care under The Occupiers’ Liability Acts to ensure visitors or trespassers on their land remain safe. Therefore, it is advisable for tree owners or managers to have their trees professionally inspected by a component Arboriculturist on a regular basis, so they can meet their legal duty of care, and are able to produce a defensible inspection record.
Trees are inspected from ground level to identify if any significant defects or features are present. Should significant defects or features be identified, a risk assessment is then undertaken to determine whether the defect or feature posses an unacceptable risk and whether remedial works to reduce the risk to an acceptable level are required, or whether a more specialised inspection is required. These can include climbing inspections or the use of high-tech decay detection devices.
The Town and Country Planning Act (1990) requires local authorities to ensure any planning applications that may have an impact on trees are thoroughly appraised and any such impact is assessed and appropriately mitigated. The standard for carrying out these surveys and impact assessments are set out in the British Standard 5837 : 2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction.
We specialise in carrying out BS5837 tree surveys and producing compliant Impact Assessments, Method Statements and plans, required by the Local Panning Authority (LPA) to support your planning application where trees are on-site and could be impacted by the proposed design.
Once the initial site survey is complete, we produce a Tree Constraints Plan (TCP) displaying rooting zones that could pose a constraint to a design proposal. Ideally, the TCP is produced before the initial design, and the scheme layout can be designed around the tree constraints. Should this is not possible and the design impacts into rooting zones, for example, we can advise suitable technical solutions to accommodate this, if at all possible. Once the final design has been agreed, we then produce an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to assess any impact to trees or how trees may impact the proposed layout. An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is then required, these documents detail how any retained trees will be protected during the demolition and construction phases, and how any impact to trees above or below ground will be mitigated. The method statement will also detail how any tree removals that maybe required to enable the design will be mitigated.
Following planning approval, LPA’s may condition that certain operations within close proximity to trees are carried out under Arboricultural supervision or that further information is submitted for approval before a particular operation can take place.
We can help to discharge any Arboricultural conditions that may be included in your planning approval.
We utilise high-tech and high-precision instruments to help record tree data, and state-of-the-art Computer Aided Design (CAD) software to produce our survey plans and drawing. This ensures that our captured data, plans, and drawings all remain as accurate as possible and are provided in a BS5837 : 2012 compliant format, suitable to accompany any planning application where trees maybe impacted.
I am focused on providing a timely, cost-effective and accurate service to all of my clients, whether commissioned to carry out a safety assessment for a single tree, an inventory survey on a large park land or undertake a BS5837 : 2012 tree survey for a large developer, my focus remains.
Certificate in Arboriculture – L2
Diploma in Arboriculture – L4
LANTRA Professional Tree Inspections
Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) Registered User
VALID – Trained Validator
Arboricultural Association – Technician Member – TE6756
Fully Insured, £1M Professional Indemnity & £1M Public Liability
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